It’s one of the plan which is specially designed for meeting the marriage, educational and growing requirements of the child. It provides risk cover for the child not only during the plan term but also during the term of extension which includes many years after the policy expires. The sum assured could be selected from the options available which are- Maturity age, term of policy, payment mode for the payment and the benefit from the premium waiver.
Further there are options of paying premium which could be done -either half-yearly, yearly, quarterly or via salary deductions. They may be paid either for 5 or 6 years before the policy term. Further, there are numerous options, through which individuals could compare numerous policy. There are paradigm changes in the overall thought process of individuals as now they don’t distinguish between their kids, whether boy or girl. Read here recent articles and news on child future planning.
As a parent, your children are the most crucial aspect of your life. When finding a balance between emotions and natural living, appropriately balancing spending and investing money may be a problematic issue. Child Plan […]
Securing the future of children is one of many worries that a parent may face. Having a financial plan in hand is the best way to counterfeit any unprecedented economic crisis. All of our essential […]
The prevailing intense competition of this modern age has led to a major percentage of Indian parents to prioritize their children’s education as the foremost vital financial obligation. About 89 percent of Indian parents finance […]
What do children mean to their parents? Well, children mean the world to the parents. Parents want their children to stay happy, healthy and away from troubles. In order to do so, some parents start […]
Safeguard Your Newborn’s Future Life turns over a new leaf when you become a parent. All your other priorities take the back seat as the little bundle of joy makes his way into your life. […]
As a parent, you must want your child to have higher education. But higher education is expensive. The fees at colleges are so high these days that many middle-class parents often fail to afford higher […]
L&T Mutual Fund Scheme A child brings in unfathomable joy and happiness. Every time you look at your children, you dream of giving them the best of both worlds. Securing their future, providing them with […]
Invest to Secure Your Child’s Future As soon as the school reopened this year, I received circular from my children’s school which read about how important is life insurance for your children. I chose to […]
Financial security is one of the most important requirements that we need to have in our lives. There are several things such as marriage, as well as higher education of your kids which demands financial […]
Child Plan The increasing inflation in India has truly made the upbringing of a kid troublesome and difficult for parents. To deal with this situation there are two options available – either start saving for […]
Best Ways to Secure Your Child’s Future As a parent, you must have a desire to give your child the best of education by getting him enrolled in the top-most universities of your country. But […]
Invest in Child’s Future A parent can do anything for their children to give them the best when it comes to their education, marriage, etc. and thus, savings becomes a priority for every parent once […]
A proper child planning includes a lot of brain storming by parents. Most parents wonder whether buying a life insurance for their children is beneficial or not. As in today’s time having a life insurance […]
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